
The Launch of Inner Compass Initiative and The Withdrawal Project

I am proud to have helped develop these two websites, contributing researching, writing and editing for them. One of the most significant elements is the development of the most comprehensive, self-directed, layperson's guide to safer psychiatric drug withdrawal ever produced. I include below further details from the organization's executive director. Rob ******************** I am writing

By |2020-08-07T05:33:23+00:00January 18th, 2018|0 Comments

Who’s Deluded? Fact-checking the “ReachOut Psychosis” Show for Schools

ReachOut Psychosis is an “educational” show touring BC schools right now that traffics in a shocking abundance of misleading misinformation and blatant lies about the alleged dangers of psychotic or schizophrenic experiences and the wonders of pharmaceutical drugs.   I recently saw ReachOut Psychosis, and haven’t been able to rest until I’ve publicly commented on

By |2019-07-08T06:54:38+00:00March 6th, 2016|22 Comments

BC Information and Privacy Commissioner Urges Govt to Declare BC Police Chief Associations to be Public Bodies

BC Information and Privacy Commissioner Elizabeth Denham wrote a letter urging the BC government to declare the two BC associations of chiefs of police to be public bodies, and make the associations subject to public freedom of information laws. I am disappointed that the letter does not do more to educate the public about the

By |2014-11-24T22:01:45+00:00April 2nd, 2014|0 Comments

OIPC Launches Inquiry into Police Chief Associations

The BC Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner is investigating the legal nature and practices of British Columbia's two police chief associations and, as part of that process, will be soliciting public input until January 17th, 2014 (revised deadline is now February 14, 2014.). Commissioner Elizabeth Denham is considering whether to recommend that the

By |2013-12-19T04:29:40+00:00December 10th, 2013|0 Comments
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