Canadian Politics

Op-ed on Halifax Election Published in The Coast

(I just published the following article in The Coast in Halifax. Can't say I'm feeling inspired by the comments below it -- and I'm trying to defend these guys' rights to fair elections becaaaaussse...?? Oh, I'm sure there's a good reason, it just slips my mind right now what it is. rw) Was Halifax' e-vote

By |2014-01-12T06:46:25+00:00June 30th, 2013|0 Comments

Elections Ontario Releases Damning Report on Internet Voting

Elections Ontario's "Alternative Voting Technologies Report" released today tries to put an optimistic face on things -- e.g. expressing hope that a unique, enforced, province-wide government-issued ID card could help solve some of the problems -- but generally they admit that online voting is too risky. A few quotes from their rundown of other jurisdictions:

By |2014-01-12T06:46:56+00:00June 25th, 2013|2 Comments

Halifax Election Security — the Story and Documents

I went on CBC radio in Halifax to discuss concerns about the security of their online election, and then was stunned to hear how an elections official went on the next day to patently dismiss all concerns. Consequently, security researcher Kevin McArthur has gone public with some of the background story, and some of the

By |2014-01-12T06:47:21+00:00June 20th, 2013|0 Comments

Canadian Mining Races to the Bottom

A new book provides a shocking analysis of environmental destruction and human rights abuses committed by Canadian mining companies abroad—and how we help them do it. (Originally published in Focus Magazine, February 2013.) Chandu Claver was born in the small town of Tabuk in the mountainous Cordillera region of the Philippines, near a large copper mine

By |2013-02-06T20:45:19+00:00February 6th, 2013|0 Comments

Hidden Surveillance

Not many people know that local Victoria, BC police and the RCMP have already begun building a massive public traffic surveillance system. And no one knows how they’re going to use it. The A News reporter and Nanaimo constable interwove: “amazing,” “blown away,” “overwhelming.” “This will revolutionize the way we police,” proclaimed Vancouver police in The

By |2012-10-11T05:45:33+00:00February 13th, 2012|0 Comments
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